ENVIHEI Online Seminar and Awareness Workshop Successfully Held – Over 50 Participants Joined the Discussion on Green Competencies in Higher...
On February 25-26, representatives from the five partner institutions—Aalborg University, Hasselt University, Montanuniversität Leoben, Silesian University of Technology, and the...
ENVIHEI project is pleased to invite you to an online seminar focused on raising awareness for environmental sustainability and green...
Today we launched the website and social media of the ENVIHEI project ‘Empowering Education, Engineering a Sustainable Future’.
Our Vision
To equip...
We are excited to announce that Alicja Rabsztyn has won the ENVIHEI Logo Competition!
Alicja, a graduate of Interior Architecture at...
ENVIHEI invites university students to co-create its visual identity and logo. As part of our mission to integrate sustainability into...
The kick-off meeting of the ENVIHEI project took place online on December 3rd, 2024. Representatives from the five partner institutions—Aalborg...